In this episode, we are joined by renowned physician Dr. John Lipman to discuss fibroids, UFE over hysterectomies, and why tackling fibroids is important not only for female healthcare — but the world.
July was fibroid awareness month, but at Uterinekind, we keep the awareness going.
Uterine fibroids are insanely common, affecting up to 80% of females and is the most common reason for a hysterectomy. But removing the uterus is NOT the only option, despite what many are told. We’re bringing you a fibroid-focused episode with one of the best.
There's a non-surgical treatment option called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) that isn't talked about enough. We're honored to be joined by UFE expert and board-certified radiologist Dr. John Lipman from the Atlanta Fibroid Center.
Dr. Lipman is a high-volume UFE surgeon with over 10,000 UFE procedures under his belt. He gives us a few shocking facts about hysterectomy's, why UFE's are the superior procedure, and the importance of fighting for a better female healthcare experience.
We discuss:
-the reality of fibroids
-what happens when a fibroids “dies” (degeneration)?
-how interventional radiology is replacing surgical procedures
-risks associated with a hysterectomy
-deep dive into what the Uterine Fibroid Embolization process is and how it treats fibroids
-what are “passenger fibroids”?
-who are good candidates for UFE?
-UFE as an adenomyosis treatment (which would then be called UAE 🙂)
-the need for more research money towards fibroids
Lastly, we end on an artsy high note! This pig’s talent will blow your mind. 🐷🤯
Thanks for listening, learning, and being you. Join us back here every Tuesday for all things uterus and beyond, in service to you.
- Dr. John Lipman Instagram: @dr_lipman
- Atlanta Fibroid Center: