Hello Uterus

#56: Reclaim Your Life from Fibroids with UFE with Dr. John Lipman

Episode Summary

In this episode, we are joined by renowned physician Dr. John Lipman to discuss fibroids, UFE over hysterectomies, and why tackling fibroids is important not only for female healthcare — but the world.

Episode Notes

July was fibroid awareness month, but at Uterinekind, we keep the awareness going. 

Uterine fibroids are insanely common, affecting up to 80% of females and is the most common reason for a hysterectomy. But removing the uterus is NOT the only option, despite what many are told. We’re bringing you a fibroid-focused episode with one of the best.

There's a non-surgical treatment option called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) that isn't talked about enough. We're honored to be joined by UFE expert and board-certified radiologist Dr. John Lipman from the Atlanta Fibroid Center. 

Dr. Lipman is a high-volume UFE surgeon with over 10,000 UFE procedures under his belt. He gives us a few shocking facts about hysterectomy's, why UFE's are the superior procedure, and the importance of fighting for a better female healthcare experience.

We discuss:
-the reality of fibroids
-what happens when a fibroids “dies” (degeneration)?
-how interventional radiology is replacing surgical procedures
-risks associated with a hysterectomy
-deep dive into what the Uterine Fibroid Embolization process is and how it treats fibroids
-what are “passenger fibroids”?
-who are good candidates for UFE?
-UFE as an adenomyosis treatment (which would then be called UAE 🙂)
-the need for more research money towards fibroids

Lastly, we end on an artsy high note! This pig’s talent will blow your mind. 🐷🤯

Thanks for listening, learning, and being you. Join us back here every Tuesday for all things uterus and beyond, in service to you.



- Dr. John Lipman Instagram: @dr_lipman

- Atlanta Fibroid Center: atlii.com