In this episode, Temna Sturdivant, a traditional naturopath practitioner, discusses the power of the nervous system and how biofeedback technology is the future of healthcare!
It’s all over social media and we hear you. IUD insertion is incredibly painful and it’s been this way for years. The wave of horror stories is enough to steer thousands away from getting an IUD so why hasn’t anything changed? Great news, a groundbreaking solution from Cross Bay Medical has been around for a couple of years, but once again, our healthcare system that chooses profits over patients has put this product away from those who need it most. Insurance companies are leaving you in pain over $50 to access this miracle product and we cannot let them. We are taking back our healthcare for the future of uterine health and so should you!
Another way we’ll be taking back our healthcare is with a little help from this week’s mind-blowing guest! Temna Sturdivant is a Biofeedback pioneer, health consultant, and traditional naturopath practitioner equipped with the technology of our future healthcare! Temna unveils how impactful our nervous system is on the entire human body, what special Biofeedback technology is, and how it’s a next-level noninvasive diagnostic that you can use even from your own home!
Lastly, we end on a high note with a bright future! Bobby Wilson is a name you should know now!
Thanks for listening, learning, and being you. And join us back here every Tuesday for all things uterus, in service to you, uterinekind.
Without research, don't look for innovation. And even when we have innovation in female healthcare, it's shelved in favor of profits. I'm Carol Johnson, and this is Hello Uterus.
Today we're going to take a deep dive into biometrics and understand how it works and what it's used for with the guidance and wisdom of the phenomenal talented Temna McMillan Sturdovant, who's the founder of Relax, Rebuild. But before we get there, uterus in the news.
Okay, so I abandoned even typing up an outline on this segment because I was afraid that I was going to crack the keys of my laptop in half. And you can probably tell from my typically relaxed voice that I am a little bit amped up right now. And that is the result of continuing to immerse myself in this perfect storm that is the absolute shafting of female healthcare. So what set me off? Well, a series of amazing conversations with people who are working their butts off in female healthcare to try to bring to market advanced treatments or to improve access to gynecologic care, whatever their mission is. And they are putting everything that they have into innovation and advancements for you. And they're getting blocked because of profits. I'm going to give you one example, and I can't go into a ton of detail right now because we have an amazing show today that we got to get to. But this come back next week because this is going to be the focus of the podcast next week. And I'm begging you actually, I would get on my knees if I could. I'm begging you to please listen and share this podcast, because if we don't pay attention to this, actually, I want to rephrase that. It's not if we don't pay attention to it, because we're going to when we pay attention, they can't hide. So the more we pay attention, the more we're going to change the experience of uterine care. Okay? So I'm going to give you a little tease on a show that I'm going to build this week and get you as soon as possible. So it is Uterus in the news, but it's a little bit of behind the scenes news. Have any of you experienced pain while getting an IUD placed?
Participant #1:
No. Surprise, because all you have to do is just take a look on social media and listen to the hundreds, thousands, however many, you can tolerate descriptions of the extraordinary pain that people experience when getting an IUD. And it's sort of handled like this. Suck it up, because now you're not going to get pregnant or suck it up because now some of your symptoms are going to go away. Suck it up is the theme, right? Well, we've been sucking up for so long, and the reason why I'm mad is because I always just thought, like, oh, we have to suck it up because they just haven't figured it out yet. Well, you know what? Cross Bay medical figured it out. And the reason why we're still sucking it up is because of $50. Available today is a product that uses something called Cross Glide Technology. It allows for the placement of an IUD without any friction, with minimal to no pain, in a much easier way for the physician to cross the cervix into the uterus to place the IUD. Imagine that thing between your cute little nostrils and taking a pair of metal pinchers and grabbing it and pulling it down, okay? That's what is done to your cervix before the insertion of a tube that enables the placement of the IUD. And this is called stabilizing I personally call it torture. So while cervical blocks are recommended to blunt the pain, because let's be freaking real, if you're taking metal toniculum, which is like pinchers, just imagine, like pliers with a little curve to them and you're taking that and you're grabbing the cervix and you're stabilizing it, that's going to hurt. People most often are told, take some some ibuprofen for you. Come in or whatever. If I was still menstruating, I would never go the regular route to get an IUD placed. I would seek out cross Glide technology. But here's the thing that here's what I want to leave you with before we get to Temna. There are people out there innovating, and they're creating products that solve problems in gynecologic care. And then you've got, like, groups like Tia, right, that are creating these really beautiful spa like environments to improve the experience of gynecologic care. But they're still using a tanaculum. And yet you have this product available from Crossbay Medical that costs $50 that you can go to the website and you can see how it works. And it was literally designed to eliminate the painful experience of crossing the cervix to enter the uterus. And do you know why not every single doctor is using this? Because it costs $50. That's why. Now, I bet you and many others, me, we'd pay the $50 because there's a lot of people who will not seek care because they are afraid of the pain. So what I want to leave you with is that it is important to pay attention to how innovations are being prohibited from reaching your cervix because of $50. Now, I'm not blaming physicians. Most physicians are not in a private, independent practice. They're in a practice associated with a larger group or with the health system. And they have to abide by the group purchasing organization regulations or the health system regulations or their practice regulations on what products they can use. And every dollar matters, right? The organization that you can get mad at for rolling in profits is the Insurance Industry. Not an organization. It's a group of organizations collectively known as the Insurance industry. They make billions of dollars by denying care and keeping things like this cross Glide technology, this tool that gynecologists can use to insert an IUD to conduct an endometrial biopsy. This thing is out there. It's available. I want you to be aware. Actually, I want to ask you for a favor. Please stay on top of Uterine news. Stay on top of innovations that are out there, the companies that are creating them, support them, even if it's just sending a high five. Or the best way that you can support them is go to your doctor and ask them, why aren't you using cross bay medical's cross glide technology for this? That's what I think we need to be doing. And I have a lot of experience working with medical device companies that have created devices that treat common chronic conditions or make it less painful for people to get treated specifically with regard to female health care. And I've seen this time and again that people work their tails off to bring an innovative device to market. And because the system is the way it is, that device never gets used on you. And then eventually, here's what's going to happen. People will stop innovating in women's health care. They'll just stop because they can't keep losing millions of dollars. It takes a lot of money to bring a device to market. So I am Livid. And we're going to be focusing on this quite a bit. Because I feel like it is essential that you know this, that you understand what's going on behind the scenes so that you can take action. To get what? You need in a doctor's office or to get your doctor to wake up and start taking advantage of these devices that are available for them to use. And also so that we can change the industry. We're all paying a ton of cash for health care. My monthly health premium is $780. I don't even go to the doctor. I just pay that just in case, right? Nearly $1,000 a month. And I have nothing wrong with me. So I have no chronic conditions, I'm on no medications. I pay almost $800 a month just for the right to say I have health care. It's out of control. So we will be back for more on this. But my goal is to empower you so that when you walk into the doctor's office, you can make some demands. You can do them nicely, you don't have to do them nicely. We've been nice for decades, as you can tell, I'm having a really hard time being nice these days. But I'm so excited to bring you Tumna McMillan. Sturdyvant. So after this quick break, we're going to come back and talk about something very cool, a way that you can get to know your body really well without any pain. There's no easier way to make sure that your beauty and personal care products are what they should be safe and good for you than finding a source you trust that does all the homework for you. That source is beauty heroes. A healthy beauty retailer that carries over 120 brands from around the world featuring truly all good for you skin, body, sun and hair care. Take a look at their selection and save 15% on your first purchase from their beauty store or on your first subscription with the code Uterinekind at checkout. Visit That's beauty Thank you. Now let's get back to the show. Kemna McMillan Stardovan is the founder of relax. Rebuild. She's a traditional naturopathic practitioner, board certified reflexologist, herbalist, bioenergy and nutritional consultant, and a licensed massage and bodywork therapist. And I feel like so calm, I want to curl up in the fetal position. Just saying your bio, it's like isn't that the bio of the person that you just wish live next door? Kevin. Welcome to hello, Uterus. It's so great to have you here. Thank you. I'm so glad to be here. Thank you for being a guest. Thank you. Absolutely. So today we're going to talk about biofeedback and how it can help those living with chronic pain and conditions that make them either want to flee their body or disconnect from their body, which in and of itself is something that we want to try to not do, because we need to be in our body to effectively navigate this place. So can we start with just a basic description of what biofeedback is? Yeah, sure. Absolutely. So biofeedback, biomeaning body and feedback, getting feedback. So you're literally it is what it is. Obviously there's a, you know, a science behind it, but so you're getting feedback on how your body feels and obviously that's important in order to have that body, mind, spirit connection. If you know and are in tune with your body to know how it's feeling, then it's easier for you to grab the nutrients or the foods or what have you, or even the help, the resources, the affirmations, the healers to help you to go through the process of healing your body. If you can really be in tune with your body, you can change your mental state. And that's what biofeedback is all about. It's learning your body, understanding how it works, really being in tune with your feelings and getting that feedback. The whole science behind it. It's actually frequencies that everything that's alive has a frequency. So you are your own individual being own individual frequency. And all the trillions of cells that are inside your body, they also have these frequencies. And if the frequencies are running smooth, then you are in a happy homeostasis state. But if the frequencies are off balance, whether because of foods that we might eat that are not healthy chemicals that we might have on our skin, on our bodies that are not healthy things that we put in our body, including our thoughts, all those things can affect your body's frequency and causing your frequency to be out of range. If it's out of range, then that can cause disharmony in the body, which leads to symptoms and disease. So the idea is to put these frequencies back into balance so then you can prevent symptoms and then disease. And biofeedback is tools that you can do that with. But we'll get into that in a little bit. That's basically the synopsis of biofeedback. That's an amazing description because you encapsulated essentially what our goal should be as a human being. And this is kind of the sort of take that you don't necessarily get in a doctor's office, and you certainly don't get it like in the Er, if you present, for instance, if you have endometriosis or you had an assist burst and you're in the Er. And these are very common experiences for people, especially many of our listeners, and that state of dealing with undiagnosed conditions and chronic pain and these kind of experiences that really jack your body up and result. And then you're in the Er and no one is giving what you just described. So I really hope people listen to that again because it's kind of like the goal that you can put on the Post it on your bathroom mirror. Get in tune with your body, pay attention to the signals. Pay attention to how your thoughts and the lifestyle choices that you're making are impacting your body and become more engaged with it rather than kind of in a state of apprehension around it. I love that. I absolutely love that. So it's interesting, like biofeedback, we had a conversation, tammy and I got a chance to talk last week and we had a conversation about how biofeedback is in use in medicine, like in every hospital. Right? So can you give us some examples of how biofeedback is being used in traditional healthcare facilities today? Yeah, absolutely. So all around the world in the medical field, biofeedback technology has been used for years. As a matter of fact, a lot of the devices come from Germany and just different parts of the world. But they're using the biofeedback technology here in the States as well. With EKG, they are limited to just monitoring the heart or the brain, like specific things. But that technology is being used. A lie detector test. That's perfect example of biofeedback technology. Right. You're sending frequencies or questions the frequency in the body to see when a person responds with their voice. Are they telling the truth or not? But that's the biofeedback technologies is right there. In a lie detector test, another tool would be on the treadmill. When you're on the treadmill and you have to put your hands on the metal plates in order for the treadmill to share with you your heart. How is your heart functioning, your heart rate, right? But that's through biofeedback technology, sending the frequencies into the body, asking the body, hey heart, how are you doing today? And the part is like, well, you are exercising me a little bit, so I'm a little higher than normal. But then that reading will come up on the screen so you can see your heart rate, to monitor your heart rate. And Fitbit that's actually a common one. Fitbit. You get to monitor all sorts of things, your heart and your steps and all sorts of things. So biofeedback is all around us in the form of different devices. A lot of times, we just don't realize it. We're already using it ourselves. And the biggest one is NASA. So NASA has been using biofeedback technology for years. They actually monitor the health of their astronauts with the technology. And that's amazing. So if they are doing it yeah. With that one. Because you don't realize. So you can actually monitor your health, just like NASA now, because there's a device I'm ecstatic about where you can use it in the comfort of your own home and keep track of the health of your reproductive organs. You can see your chemical levels in the body. You can see what's affecting these organs. If it's a parasite, a bacteria, a fungus, a mold, whatever it might be. Yeah, Carol, I don't know if I told you that part. You're holy cow. Now you see why I'm a biofeedback pioneer. Because these are the types of things that are out there. But people need to know and take back health in their hands. Right. And you can. And that's what I'm here to share with the world. That the same technology that even NASA uses to monitor the health of their astronauts. You have access to this technology at the palm of your hands to keep track of your health. And that's powerful. That's a powerful thing that needs to be shared around the world. And that's my mission. Absolutely. Yeah. That gets at this idea of being separate from your body. And it's really wild. I've been pondering this so much lately. The thing that we inhabit thing is probably not the most eloquent word, but the thing that we inhabit, this body, it's like the thing we pay least attention to, unless it's misbehaving. There's just this, I don't know, assumptive living or whatever. We know more about a particular product than we do about our own body or we know more about our latest smartphone and this incredible entity that we inhabit that does every second. It's processing a ludicrous amount of stuff. It's enabling me to breathe and talk and understand and feel the temperature in the room. And sometimes I allow it to blow my mind. Please do. It's a wonderful place to be. Exactly. I'll tell you, a lot of that you have to remember, in my opinion, a lot of that is because we are literally programmed as human beings that health belongs in the hands of the doctors. Right. So you don't really think, if I'm not feeling well, let me see if I can't do something that can help support my body, whether it's an herbal medicine or a vitamin or maybe I need to change my diet or what am I doing in my lifestyle that's unhealthy. In order to prevent things from happening, we are programmed to think that our health belongs in the healthcare system, right? That it's outside of us and outside of our control. Right? And our bodies are amazing. Our bodies are doing so many thousands of different functions, keeping us alive and vibrant. And our immune system is strong, and our reproductive organs strong and really trying to work with us. But we have to take that education in so that we can work with our bodies and maintain our health with eating habits, mindset, and things like that. And I'll tell you, on the flip side, when we were growing up, I'm one of six children. My father, actually. For me, it was a blessing. I didn't see it as a blessing years ago, because when you're a kid, you want to be like everybody else. Like, I want the white bread, dad. I go to school, and you're giving me brown ezekiel bread. What's this? And this is back in the 80s, your dad was a master herbalist, right? Yes. So he actually went to college to be an accountant. And because of a conflict he had with his health in the medical field, he said, I'm going back to my roots. And when he was young and he would come to the south during the summer, they were too poor to go to the doctors a lot of times. So when they were sick, back to roots, you go out in the backyard and you dig the roots, literally. Powerful, powerful medicine right in the backyard. That's considered weeds. But they're really herbal medicines, and they would boil the concoctions and take it, and sure enough, they would feel better, right? So remembering those days, he decided to change his whole career, him and my mother as well. And he got his masters in herbal medicine. And that was my life. So as soon as I came along, that's just how it was. When we didn't feel good, we would do a biofeedback scan. He had the old fashioned one back in those days. It's kind of like saying the VCR versus now we have smaller devices. He has a massive biofeedback device in his clinic. But yeah, that's what we did. We just went, we didn't feel well. We did a scan. Okay, we're fighting a bacteria. And my father shared with us what to take for herbal medicine, and we would feel better. But again, it's the programming, though, right? It's the programming that we are accustomed to in our society, that your health care belongs in the healthcare system. And now you can educate yourself. There's plenty of things out here that can help you to assess your health, to feel better, and to maintain inflammation and whatever it might be. The information is out there. So now people are reprogramming themselves to know that and believe it. It's interesting. When I look at the healthcare system from a 50,000 foot level and spot the areas where doctors are kind of stumped or they're like I don't really know what to tell you, right? And then there's other areas where they're like I know exactly what to do here and I think we need to pay attention to that because for instance, if you have endometriosis you need an excision surgeon and that excision surgeon will know exactly what to do. But then there's another group of doctors who are like man, I'm not really sure what to do here. And paying attention to that is super important. And in a situation like let's say some kind of exposure to chemicals or some sort of an infection and it can't be identified and the doctors are going I don't know what to do. And it's not a structural issue. So it can't be surgically treated, right? It's not a cancerous tumor or something. Paying attention to that, then one can find a different path which is to come at it from the term holistic is perfect for a reason, right? Come at it from a holistic perspective and pay attention to how other people are operating. Like if doctors are going well, we don't really know, let's try this. Maybe take a step back and think okay, I need to get a stronger foundational understanding of what's happening within my body and then from there I, because I have that knowledge now, can be a better stored of this incredible system. Very cool. So let's talk about first of all, I want to know about this device. Tell me how the one that can tell me right now. I'm just thinking from a toxicity perspective, how toxic am I lately with everything in the news? I'm thinking I am like a nuclear level of toxicity walking around because of how much we're exposed to on this planet. So how does it work and what does it tell you? So again, because everything that's alive has a frequency and even down to a cellular level, the device will measure the frequencies of every single cell in the body. And so basically a scan takes about 1012 minutes and that's how fast nanoseconds, it just scans your entire body, asks all the frequencies, the questions, where you are, you, how do you feel, record that information. And again, it's all through the biofeedback technology. Once that information is gathered then by the way, everything that's alive, your cells, your organs, right, your glands, but also if you do have parasites or if you do have all those things are living creatures, right? And you are a host of them, if they are inside, that's why it picks it up as well. So, molds, all those things are all active, right? Bacterias, even chemicals, right? Even metals, right? Heavy metals. Metals, heavy metals. Yes, exactly. So anything that has a frequency, the scanner, it picks up once you have the scan done, then a report is shown. And obviously the report is put into layman's terms so that you can see exactly and it's categorized so you can see exactly what areas and obviously there's ratings, all right? So you can see what areas are challenged. And it'll have, like, diagrams, so you can see where that area is, but it's very specific down to the ovaries, the section of the ovaries, the uterus, the sections of the uterus, the liver, the sections of the liver. I mean, it gets really detailed. So it's a wonderful, wonderful tool for you to keep track and monitor your health. But also you can take it to your wellness provider or your primary care provider and say, hey, you might want to look at this, or you might want to look at this. And the reason why it's important to use it in conjunction with your provider is because blood tests can only show so much, stool samples can only show so much, urine can only show so much. They're all tools. Right? Well, here's a tool that shows everything on a cellular level. And things that show up in a cellular level make themselves manifest within, like, three to six months into a symptom or disease. So you can actually see things before they show up in blood or urine or saliva or what have you. So you talk about a key tool for preventative. Absolutely. Now, the other aspect of the device that I am in love with is it's the part where you are actually getting the reading of your thought processes. What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Yeah, I thought you'd like that your eyebrows lit up. Let's talk. Whoa. I'm not sure if I want anybody hooking that up to me. Oh, my gosh, she really is thinking that. Well, remember, it's your device. Health care is in your hands. So this is for you. Right. So it's your personal, private information. But boy, when you see on paper what you're thinking, you're like, yeah, that's what it is. It's not anger. I'm just frustrated or oh, that's what it is. I feel stuck. Or even identifying pain. Right. Pain and frustration, the things that can accumulate because of conditions like endometriosis and all these other reproductive issues, those things need to be manifest into words. So then you can identify and connect. We're talking about connecting with our mind, our body, and our spirit, right? Yeah. That's really important. You need to tease that stuff out. That is so bizarre. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Welcome to the Frequencies. That is so crazy. I'm not kidding. I just got chills, and I have, like, four layers of clothing on. But the reason why I got chills is because in interviews that I've had with patients, I've noticed that in order to survive, they have had to disconnect from their bodies and they've had to disconnect from their thoughts too. And I would say disconnect from their thoughts or become completely consumed. By the myriad of thoughts that are born out of being in limbo, of not understanding what's going on in the body. Feeling out of control is probably a better way than saying in limbo. And yeah, so that's wild. So I want to make sure I understand this. So it's measuring the frequency of your thoughts, and based on the frequency of the thoughts, it can identify the temperature of that or flavor of that thought. Is that accurate? I love it. I love it. Yes. Every feeling, thought, emotion is tied with the frequency. And you can see when somebody's amped even that word amped. Right. That's a frequency. If they're angry, their frequency is going to be amped. And their body language, their blood pressure, everything's going to be just right. It's going to be amped. Right? Absolutely. So that's a stronger frequency. Whereas love, what a beautiful frequency. And love is such a powerful frequency that it's the healing frequency. And that's why love is so important to have for yourself and for others. Another high potency frequency is like forgiveness. And see, sometimes these two things are very difficult to do, but we have to work with our body to do it in order to heal. Right? Yeah. As a matter of fact, they say that thoughts and emotions affect the body's healing process by 85%. I'm surprised it's not 100, because I have a real life situation that purely from, like, a medical or observational perspective is kind of wild. Sadly, it involves my mom. My mom developed breast cancer. The actual tumor was identified six months after my dad died fairly suddenly from melanoma cancer. He was only sick for about four weeks. So as the mom of eight kids sorry to hear that. Thank you. Her body went through, like, hitting a brick wall when she found out that my dad was going to pass. And within six months, she had breast cancer. PS. She didn't tell any of us. She's just a hilarious woman. She had my sister take her to the hospital, and then when they got to the hospital, she said, okay, Kathy, I'm actually going to be going in for surgery. I have breast cancer. She didn't want any of us to worry because our dad had just died. Right. So just a phenomenal woman. But then fast forward. That was she was 63. Fast forward to 89. Wow. Yeah. She was very strong woman. And I experienced something in my personal life that was a blind side, on the level of the blind side that she had experienced finding out about my dad's illness. And within two days, she developed shingles. Of finding this out, she was so broken hearted for me. Within two days, she got shingles, and within six months, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. So stress. I'm not a doctor. I don't care that there are no letters after my name. Any doctor would agree with me that is conscious. Stress causes disease. Absolutely it does. The number one disease in America, and that was actually an article years ago. I believe JAMA had revealed that. But it's absolutely true. It's absolutely true. And disease, it only takes three months for a cell to that's why it only takes three months to six months for a cell to turn to a symptom and then have a condition that ends up being a collaborative of symptoms to be a disease. Yeah, three to six months. There you go. In this. Oh my God. I actually just want to sob right now. Doctors, especially in gynecology, are under so much stress right now. So much stress. You listen to their social media posts and they're like unsustainable people. We can't do this for very much longer. Nurses are fleeing, and thank God they are because they have just as much of a right to be healthy as we do. And it's a real identifier as to what one of our main health problems is, which is this constant stress that we are under. So I want to bring up and paying attention to our time. I'd like to get at how stress impacts the nervous system. I feel like I don't know anything about the nervous system. Maybe everybody else does, but I'm thinking there might be people out there that also don't understand the nervous system and how this stress actually impacts us at a cellular level. So can you talk about that? Oh, sure. I don't even know where to start. My goodness. It's just so powerful. The whole process really is important and it affects so much the body. So I'll start with an illustration. If you stub your toe, where are you going to feel it? Are you going to just feel it in that one initial area in the toe? No. It ripples up your entire body, your skin, changes, everything. I can manifest that feeling instantly. Even now, thinking about it's, making me friends, I just like crunched on my toes. I protected it. Exactly. Yeah. I brought my shoulders and my arms into my chest and now I'm like a bored right. So the brain and the body wants to protect itself. The brain wants any type. If you have any type of stress, what happens is the brain automatically will read it as something's going on. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, they start reacting towards it. You end up having the reaction of whatever the stress is. Like the topic. Something that's stressing you because somebody broke your heart. Your brain then will send through the nervous system the reflex that goes right to the heart and it can affect the heart. Or if your mind if you're going through again something that's stressing you out because you're angry, then the brain that frequency automatically will affect the liver. If you're going through something where the stress is, you're worried about something, then that vibration sees that frequency, that reaction the brain will communicate with. It affects the spleen. So stress on so many levels. Absolutely. The mind body spirit connection, those vibrations affect those frequencies affect the different organs in the body. There's a book actually called Feelings Buried Alive, never Die. And yes, it's a powerful book by Carol Truman and there's a lot out there, but this one I like because you can actually get this little booklet, it's a little reference guide and it'll share with you the different thought processes. So whatever you go through with stress, it will affect the different organs because of that mind body connection. And you have to process it. There's different ways that you can process stress so that you release the vibrational effect that it has on the organs right here's, the uterus. It has to do with unresolved feelings toward mother, negative feelings toward creative aspects of life. So in order to help support the uterus, you have to in your mind address and might have to confront unresolved feelings towards your mother. It's powerful. I was just going to say, I'm also thinking because with people living with chronic conditions that either stem directly from or associated with the uterus, they often blame the uterus, right. Bad periods, which isn't a thing. PS. People that have that experience really painful periods and heavy bleeding and things like that, they often will say, I hate my uterus. And whenever I hear that I'm like, oh God, please don't hate your uterus. Please don't hear because I can feel that. And I think that is something that's what you're getting at here. And I know some people might be thinking like, I don't know, man, this is starting to sound like you're getting a little out there and woo woo. Andy but honestly, at a very basic level, from a common sense perspective, we know that stress and these high intensity kind of emotions can impact our physical well being. So it makes perfect sense that if you're constantly saying 110% so if you are a holistic minded person or if you're not, you will eventually have to come to grips with the body is a whole and it's holistic and it's a body mind and spirit, right? So your mind and your spirit make up who you are. So to deny that it's just scientifically impossible and then using common sense, you really need to adopt the concept that your mind and spirit is part of your body. And as a matter of fact, that's two thirds of your body. So that's a powerful please don't deny that. Do not deny the concept that what you put into your mind and what you surround yourself within your environment that makes up your spirit, you need to make sure that yes, that 110% affects how your body will react on a conscience and a subconscious level. Absolutely. So when you say things like, I hate my uterus, I don't like this, I don't like that, you're telling your body to hate that area when in reality in order to heal. If you fell down and you got a cut, you're not going to want to have someone say to you, you're going to want somebody to nurture that wound and to love that wound and to care for that wound. Right. Not like treat you poorly because now you have a cut on your knee. I can even say the H word. That's what I'm trying to find out. The words that's such a harsh vibration. It's a wound. Your uterus needs to heal and it needs to feel love. And that will help also for more oxygen and circulation to flow into that area, into the uterus, and that's life. And then when oxygen and blood flows more to that area and those good vibrations and good frequencies, those things all help to heal it. And the nutrients can flow and the hormones can help with hormonal balancing and so many different things to bring that uterus to its optimal health potential. Right? So, no, absolutely what you think affects your body. So you have to make sure you give your uterus positive affirmations. I love you. You might put your hand right over your womb and give it healing hands. Do inner thought chitchat. That's what it's all about, right? Subconscious mind, subconscious thought. Just chitchatting with yourself. You're needing to do that in order to heal and keep that connection going as a whole, being very important. Is there something that a simple exercise that people can do to experience some of what we're talking about today? Maybe a simple exercise that would identify, for instance, like, if they are sort of stressed or holding their body in tension and then how they can kind of release that. So the awareness, if you're stressed out or not, that part should be common sense, where you have your responses of your neck will be tight. You might notice you're holding your hands and clenching your fists a lot when you're driving. You're clinching the steering wheel. So just be consciously mindful of, I'm raising my hand for all of this. Because first of all, I started right when you said, well, you should be aware of the stress in your body. I'm 56. I just realized that I've been walking with my toes curled for probably like 54 years. I wasn't aware of my jaw clenching. I wasn't aware of the fact that I was holding my shoulders up to my ears. I was literally completely disconnected from my body. Yes. I always say, pull your hair back. And if you see your scaling your neck muscles, if you see them protruding, that might be a sign because you're like, always just straining it's, trying to get your thoughts out. Your hands, your gestures, all those things are part of you might want to do a self reflection moment and say, I need to pause, breathe. And then the exercise that I like to share with clients is just that. Retrain. Reroute your thought pattern. So when something frustrates you, pause. When you pause, then you take a breath and you feel that air inflate your lungs. And then you continue for another second to take an additional little puff, just to stretch it a little bit more and then be in tune with your breath out and breathe out ever so slow and controlled. You will teach your body that you are in control. And then it's like a natural sedative. And now let's work with the situation. Yes, there's a problem, but let's give options for solutions and then which option do you like? Let's compromise about this. Or if the person that want to compromise, at least you yourself, it's gone overdone. It's their lesson to learn in life. You move forward. Affirmations is another good way to keep your stress levels down and calm. So for every positive there's a negative, right? Or for every negative, there's a positive to offset. So if you have a negative situation and it frustrates you, then you can give yourself an affirmation to reverse the negative effect that that had on the body. For instance, if something negative happened to you, like somebody was rude and they just drove right by you and they were fast driving or what have you, you say your positive affirmation to yourself would be, well, you know what gone overdone. At least I didn't get into an accident. There's always something positive to say to offset that negative event or that negative moment. I love the affirmation gone overdone. Something's just gone over. Well, it's gone overdone. And if you notice the first letter of each word, go D. So you're literally gone over. Done? Yeah, gone over, done. Yes. And you're telling yourself, you know what, it's gone overdone. It's in the universe's, hand it's out of my hands. So whatever you believe but it's gone overdone. But even that will help you to be able to move forward. And then you're going to literally empower yourself and gain power and control over yourself so that stress won't be as aggressive on your system, right? That's the whole point. I know you have clients waiting for you while I keep you longer than I intended. But before we wrap up, I want to know what is this device and how do people work with you and how do they find you? My website is www. Dot. Relax. if you want to. I don't mind. I'll give you that information, we'll post it on IG and we'll put it in the show notes for the podcast so you can get directly from there. Okay, perfect. And then I'll give you the website also for the device as well. But it's AO scan device by Solex and it's phenomenal. There's another component to it that I want to leave you with, and I know you're going to get chills over this. So not only does it expose or share what areas in the body might have imbalances or what have you, but it also optimizes the frequency. Wow. I'm doing this. Yes. Every woman or whoever's listening to this podcast, please. This is huge for you to have access to this kind of, literally health care. So you can monitor your health, but it also optimizes frequencies. So I'm a static to share. It saves lives. This is the kind of thing that you need in your home because it saves lives. It helps you to monitor, maintain your health, and then optimize frequencies. Nothing better than that. But I'll give you that information so then you can post it because it might be too long for me to make sure. We'll definitely post it. And then again, the website is Relaxrebuild, which is so perfect. And Temna McMillan. Sturdivant. Sturdivant. It depends what side of the fence you're from. Yeah, I love that I'm going to just do it different every time because I like to be on all sides. I can't thank you enough. Definitely check out her website. You can work with her. These things are really important. It's one of those things where you have to talk to some people and they'll be like, oh, I don't know about this stuff. And then I look down the road ten years and I think, yeah, we're all going to have these in our houses and we're all going to be like, oh my gosh. Remember when we didn't understand that there is room and it's required that every year that we take advantage of all of this. For all of these ways to support yourself and therapies and things like that, there's room for all of it. And so, Tamna, thank you. Please thank your dad for exposing you to this, even though it was traumatic because you couldn't munch on oreos with your buds. I totally get that. But we don't want to be he was right. He was absolutely right. Like, we need to get clear about what we're exposing ourselves to. You're so correct too, because years ago, so my father was like the brinks of essential oils, herbal medicine, and now years later, everyone's finally getting it. So now I'm exposing you guys to biofeedback technology real quick. Einstein, years ago, he actually said frequency is going to be the future of medicine. Sweetie, the future is now, today, on this day. And I'm going to pioneer that because it's just so important to know and have access to this information. Everyone should have and know that biofeedback is health care. It is literally your personal health care. You have access to it now. We are going to cover more of this. TEM, now we're going to have you back on. Thank you so much for being out there, being there for your patience. I got chills again. I know. So great. I want to go get that device. And we will be right back with ending on a high note.
So nice to have a lovely conversation around helping people feel better without invasive, painful things, given the the start of this podcast. And now I'm going to leave you with a really cool story. So you may have heard that there was a nine year old black girl in New Jersey who was out in her yard with a homemade sort of pest liquid that she was spraying on the invasive spotted lantern fly. And one of her neighbors was just so terrified because, you know, no reason to be terrified. Young girl, she's black. She was doing a great service to your neighborhood. You just have some issues and problems, and they all have to do with racism. But anyway, they called the police honor. It was horrible. But welcome, Yale, to the picture. They invited nine year old Bobby Wilson to be honored for her work to eradicate the invasive spotted lantern fly from her New Jersey hometown. What an amazing turn of events for this young girl and hopefully a giant freaking lesson to people. We got to support each other, and we also have to eradicate racism. You want to eradicate the invasive spotted lantern fly, let's start by eradicating racism too. Can we make that happen also? So Yale did some really cool stuff. In addition to bringing Bobby and her parents to this ceremony to honor her, they talked about the fact that she was working with a safe, homemade repellent. She was being incredibly intelligent about how she was going about doing it. And they introduced her to other black female scientists so that Bobby could see that that spark in her, to think through a solution and to make sure that she wasn't causing more harm. But she was effectively eradicating the problem. That's the inner spark of perhaps a scientist, and that you can be a scientist as a young black girl. You can grow up and be a scientist, and you can go to Yale or any other school that you want. And then the coolest thing, I bet if we asked Bobby, I'm going to make a bet that she would say that this is the coolest thing. She had a personal lantern fly collection, which is so cool. Well, it is now cataloged in Yale's Peabody Museum. That's the best outcome ever. Except that we have another ending on a high note in about, I don't know, let's say yeah, like around ten years, and we find out that Bobby is in fact going to be a scientist. And she's on a full scholarship ride and she's at the university of her choice, and she's going to have an incredible, amazing, successful career as a scientist. And she'll teach us a lot, and I hope that she taught her neighbor something very significant through this experience. I really do. So thank you for being here. Please, like I said at the top of the show, please come back next week. We're going to talk more about what I see as a real canary in the coal mine situation, that we are preventing innovation from reaching those seeking gynecologic care because of $50. And that's got to stop. We are worthy of it. We deserve it, and we're going to make sure it happens. So thank you for listening. Thank you for your support. We have launched the you by Uterinkind app. I truly hope that you take a minute of your time and head over to, check out the app and download it. You can download it from the website. We will be in the app stores in a matter of a few weeks and we'll announce that straight away. But please do download it and start using it to record and monitor your symptoms and to kind of reclaim control over your healthcare experience by having your own data and using that data in your consultations to get a definitive diagnosis. It's very important. Thank you angel for producing this podcast. Thank you Mariel for producing this podcast. Mariel is on the guest side, angel is on the technical side. I can't do it without either one of them. And the team back at Uterinekind who is continuing to innovate in the app, creating new features that will look forward to rolling out to our members in the coming months. It's an honor, actually, to serve you. So thank you for listening and we'll see you back here next week for another episode of Hello Uterus. Oh, and check us out on TikTok at Uterinekind. Until then, be well, be cool, be kind.
Angel: The Hello Uterus Podcast Is For Informational Use Only The content shared here is not used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Please ask your physician about your health and call 901 if it's emergency. And thank you Uterinekind for listening.